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a photo of the church building with the words "Information Session"

Information Session: September 25 at 5 pm in King Hall

The Evangelism and Growth Team is offering an Information Session to provide an opportunity to meet the Pastors, Paul and Jim, plus a few other active church members. This will give you a valuable opportunity to learn about us, gain information about the United Church of Christ, and discover the many opportunities to be involved in our church life. A guided tour of the church will be provided following with a light supper, fellowship, and a time for photographs.

All visitors are welcome, whether you simply wish to learn about our church or are contemplating joining as a member.

Interested in attending? Please sign up at either the Welcome Desk or the green covered tables in the narthex. Any new members will then be introduced to our congregation at the following Sunday, September 29th service.

For questions, please contact Eona Schulz or the church office.