Christian Nationalism: What It Is And Why it is Dangerous to America and Our Freedoms

Saturday, September 30th, 10 – 11:30 am in King Hall

Often, when the word “Christian” is in front of another word, we assume it is a healthy use of the beliefs/ideas and about Jesus’ way of living. This is not so. Christian Nationalism has been on the rise for several years and has dominated the political scene openly for the past six plus years. Christian Nationalism says that a particular ideology, the worship of a white patriarchal Christian God should be the determinate philosophy of how all government decisions and policies are made. That is a beginning definition and it is a political movement.

Patriotism is “love of country” and is not an ideology. These topics will be introduced by Amanda Tyler, a lawyer’s presentation on “Christian Nationalism” that was held on June 15th in downtown Phoenix. Ms. Tyler is CEO of Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty (BJC). This organization is 87 years old. Tyler is also the founder (in 2019) of Christians Against Christian Nationalism. Ms. Tyler’s work for decades has focused on separation of church and state. There will be additional handouts and dialogue on pertinent questions we need to openly discuss about what is taking place in America.

Kay Klinkenborg, MA will facilitate this class. Kay is a Spiritual Companion and has taught numerous classes for The Church of the Palms on white supremacy, white privilege, Indigenous genocide, white Christian founding of this nation, and The Jim Crow era: What Is Racism and How to be an Anti-Racist, etc., over the last four years. Kay is a Retired RN; LMFT; & Clinical Member of AAMFT and adjunct faculty at University of Illinois, Springfield.