We can do a lot of things because…

It’s a busy weekend at The Palms. On Saturday, we are dedicating our newest sculpture, Homeless Jesus. I hope you can join us and our Transitional Conference Minister, Dr. Toni. That dedication will be Saturday, at 11 am at The Palms. On Sunday, we will be honoring the (retired and active) clergy among us. Not too… Continue reading We can do a lot of things because…

God is still creating you.

It is Good – The Story of Creation. In Genesis we are told that God created, and it was good! God created the sun and the moon. But have you noticed? Arizona has some of the most spectacular sunrises and sunsets that I have ever seen! Trans and non-binary people are like those sunrises and… Continue reading God is still creating you.

Transgender Day of Remembrance

“Transgender Day of Remembrance seeks to highlight the losses we face due to anti-transgender bigotry and violence. I am no stranger to the need to fight for our rights, and the right to simply exis t is first and foremost. With so many seeking to erase transgender people — sometimes in the most brutal ways… Continue reading Transgender Day of Remembrance

For All the Saints

I’ve been grieving a lot recently. For at least the last couple years, as I have seen my mom slowly decline, I have been grieving. These last few months I have been deeply entrenched in grief. Her situation was clearly not where she wanted to be – she was too dead to be alive and… Continue reading For All the Saints

Our fourth anniversary with IHELP!

Tomorrow, October 28, is the fourth anniversary of IHELP at the Palms! IHELP stands for Interfaith Homeless Emergency Housing Program. In 2023, The Church of the Palms volunteers and friends of the church number near 75. Since January we housed over 60 adults and accumulated nearly 2,000 volunteer hours. The numbers were similar in the… Continue reading Our fourth anniversary with IHELP!

How you can help Dysart Community Center

NEW NEEDS: Gas cards, which will be used for the two vans used to transport children to and from four area schools, are needed. After-school classes are very full. Doing the transportation of these children allows parents to get to work early while assured their children are being cared for. ONGOING NEEDED DONATIONS: Clothing for… Continue reading How you can help Dysart Community Center

Halloween is when America is most like Jesus.

Halloween is not a big Sun City thing. But in a way, Halloween is a time when America gets it right. Permit me to explain. The age restrictions of our area tend to curtail trick-or-treating in our town. But we can still learn from it. If we turn the perspective around, Halloween is when America… Continue reading Halloween is when America is most like Jesus.