As you read this, I’m in the Galapagos Islands.

By the time you are reading this I will be fully engaged with sunsets, wildlife, and other fowl things. Being out in creation and nature is one the ways I recharge my batteries. Well, last year, as Wendy and I plotted our summer of ‘24 activities, both of us looked to nature.

When the Galapagos Islands popped up on our search, we both said, “We better do it sooner rather than later!” (I’m old, ya know). So, yes, as you read this, I’m in the Galapagos Islands celebrating the wildlife: sea turtles, boobies, penguins, and giant tortoises.

I’m grateful for this break. Vacations help me escape the stresses of work and daily life. They help me feel rested, refreshed, and resilient. They help me hold onto positive emotions. Plus, they give me space to think in new ways and create memories that last. And the odd thing is that when I take time away from routine, I feel more refreshed, efficient, and content with my day-to-day life.

Whatever you are doing in life, I hope that you can take a break from the daily grind and find peace.


Shalom, Paul