Advent & Christmas Top Ten List

10.Q: Christmas is on a Sunday, what are we going to do?
A: Celebrate! That’s right, celebrate! “Celebrate” is the simplest and yet the most profound answer to that query. Come & Join us!

9.Q: Are there any other details about Christmas Day we need to know?
A: There will be no fellowship time after worship. PJ’s are okay for that day for worship! Pastor Jim and I will both be here. Let your presence be your present that day!

8.Q: When are the Seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany? aren’t they all just Christmas?
A: Advent begins our time and essentially means “waiting” – we’re waiting on God’s timing. The season of Advent includes four Sundays (Hope, Peace, Joy, & Love) and this year is from November 27 through December 24 . The Season of Christmas is just 12 days long December 25 to January 5. The Day of Epiphany celebrates when the wise men came – it’s January 6th .

7.Q: What did the innkeeper tell Mary & Joseph?
A: There is no record of what the innkeeper did or did not say. We only know that there was no room in the inn available. This causes us to pause. Who can we provide room for during this season? Who is being shut out into the cold?

6.Q: Who saw the “star in the east?”
A: The Wise men, or Magi, saw the star and followed it. They were not kings. No one knows the number of magi, but three gifts were brought. What gifts can you bring during this holy season?

5.Q: Were the holy family immigrants?
A: Yes! They fled the wrath of Herod. Immigrants usually are fleeing the wrath of violence and/or extreme poverty. How can we welcome immigrants?

4.Q: Where do we find the Christmas story (the birth of Jesus) in order to check up on this top-ten list?
A: The gospels of Matthew and Luke tell us the story of the birth; Matthew is from more of Joseph’s point of view while Luke is Mary’s story.

3.Q: When will the choir sing during Advent?
A: The choir will sing December 4, 11 , & 18 culminating with their cantata on December 18 . There will also be special music throughout the season.

2.Q: What will Christmas Eve include?
A: Christmas Eve worship will include special music as well as communion, candlelight, and singing of beloved carols. Our service will start at 7:00 pm on December 24 . It is a great time to bring family and friends.

1.Q: Is December 25 really the day Jesus was born?
A: No one knows the exact day when Jesus was born. What is clear is that Christian leaders in the first half of the fourth century A.D. set the date on December 25 in an attempt to eclipse a popular pagan holiday in Rome, one that celebrated the winter solstice. If you want to know more about what Christmas really means, come to worship during these seasons of Advent and Christmas and experience what God holds out for you!
