Accountable to one another, let us boldly step into 2025.

This year our church theme is Imagine! Doing Justice, Loving Kindness, and Walking Humbly with God. So, how will you and I shape our life and ministry to live that challenge? Accountable to one another, let us boldly step into 2025.

Here’s my top ten list of beliefs helping me shape my ministry in 2025.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion makes us stronger.
  • Science is real.
  • Our small acts of compassion can change this neighborhood, nation, and world.
  • Love is love – open and affirming our LGBTQIA+ siblings is godly.
  • Reproductive rights are human rights.
  • Trans rights are human rights.
  • Misogyny is woven throughout our culture and must be stopped.
  • Racism is woven throughout our culture and must be stopped.
  • Kindness is the answer to every question.

Wait, that’s only nine? Where’s the last one? It comes when we get together in the name of God and use our brains, heart, and courage to bee 🐝 the church.

I look forward to serving with you this year.

Shalom, Paul