Keep the chocolate.

Lent is finally upon us. Throughout my life, I have traditionally given up things for Lent. While self-sacrifice has its place in our faith journeys, I have come to believe that Jesus would probably laugh at our efforts during Lent.

Jesus looks us in the eye, chuckles and smiles, and asks us why we’re giving up things like chocolate, beer, and coffee – all the things that actually bring us joy and make us happy?!?!

Then, I think Jesus would suggest we might look to our inner-self and examine it to determine what we might need to ditch. Rather than chocolate, try giving up self-doubt, criticism, jealousy, greed, gossip, and anger.

This Lent, keep the chocolate; ditch the bigotry, selfishness, misogyny, hatred, bias, and divisiveness.
This Lent, use your brains, heart, and muster up some courage to Bee the Church.
This Lent, take on compassion, gentleness, and mercy.
This Lent, go out of your way to share God’s unconditional love, work for justice, and provide an extravagant welcome to all in need.

Lent is a time of self-examination. So, here’s my 30-second Lenten advice:

Keep the chocolate; embrace empathy.
Keep diversity, equity, and inclusion; lose fear.
Keep self-examination; lose pointing fingers at others. 

Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly with your God! And you will be blessed!

Shalom, Paul