34 years of “togetherness” is about to end

Thirty-four years ago, my son, Michael was born – It was 1990 and I was just finishing up seminary. Soon came the call to parish ministry with another boy, Nathan, born two years later. Six years later Ruthie entered our lives and changed our household in ways I could barely imagine.

We’ve had someone living in our house ever since Michael graced us with his presence. Most of those years it’s been one or more of our children living in our home. Some of those years were spent with Uncle Paul and my parents living with us. Throughout those 34 years, our house has also been home to my nephew and my sister.

Now the day has come: Uncle Paul and my parents are with God, my boys are living on their own, and Ruthie is moving out to her own apartment. That’s right, Ruthie is moving all the way to Tempe this weekend. Wendy and I will be officially “empty nesters.” I was so excited that I offered to pay for people to help with the move!

But seriously, I will miss Ruthie’s energy, her willingness to help us with Uncle Paul, my parents, and now Wendy’s parents. She also was kind and watered my plants when I was gone. I will miss our punny conversations and silliness.

With the house seemingly empty, now it’s time to party! 

Shalom, Paul