2024 Summer Film Festival

The Social Justice Leadership Team Presents the 2024 Summer Film Festival!

Save your Fridays from July 19 through August 30, 1–2:30 pm for:

√ Popcorn, peanuts, and soft drinks

√ Air-conditioned comfort

√ Time with church family and friends

√ Learning about social justice issues and programs

Members of the Social Justice Leadership Team will provide a video or film related to one of our social justice ministries. Afterwards, we’ll have discussion and Q & A about the video and the ministries provided by our church.

Here’s what’s coming up:

July 19th

A timely film on life in the West Bank and the issue of “Palestinian Human Rights” followed by a short clip about Daoud Nassar and the Tent of Nations supported by our church.

July 26th

Tired of antisemitism, racism, homophobia, islamophobia…? A video by John A Powell about “Othering and Belonging” and how we can connect in a time of extreme divisiveness.